Calero-MDSL MEF's Newest Member
MEF is an association defining the digital world through specs, standards, certifications, training and more. Last August, MEF (News - Alert) made waves publishing SD-WAN Service Attributes and Services (MEF 70), providing this up-and-coming technology a framework to move forward. Across the connectivity landscape, MEF’s work in automation, network federation, open APIs and more will be critical in the years to come.
Technology Expense Management (TEM) and Market Data Management (MDM) solution provider Calero-MDSL (News - Alert) announced its status as the newest MEF member, joining more than 200 service providers and technology vendors in their mission to propel the MEF 3.0 framework and support the mass of transformation taking place.
“We are thrilled to join MEF and collaborate with some of the industry’s largest telecom providers, like Verizon, Sprint (News - Alert), AT&T, Telefonica, BT, among other leading experts, to define and set universal standards around connectivity that facilitate business agility,” said Charles Layne, CEO of Calero-MDSL. “As a global Technology Expense Management provider with over 3,500 clients, our involvement will allow us to help markets around the world create frictionless business processes and enable faster delivery of services for enterprises. We are helping to define and shape the future of digital across a vast domain of interconnected networks and providers.”
With Calero-MDSL joining MEF, it can assist in highlighting use cases for customers today as well as the future, with a focus on business continuity via clearly defined processes and automation. Courtesy of MEF, Calero-MDSL can take advantage of industry thought leadership as well as a recognized standard to leverage as a jump off.
”MEF is delighted to have Calero-MDSL join our community and play a key role in driving API standards work that extends service automation end-to-end from providers to enterprise end-users, resulting in greater business agility and an improved customer experience,” said Nan Chen, President, MEF.
Calero-MDSL gains a seat at a table of influence, at a time where industry is experiencing evolution in the truest sense of the word.
SD-WAN Expo 2020 put MEF front and center with the session “Seeking an SD-WAN Standard,” with a conversation led by Comcast (News - Alert) Business’ Jeff Lewis and Fujitsu’s Ralph Santitoro – both prominent members of this necessary association, and integral in shaping industry standards. If you missed this dynamic duo in Fort Lauderdale, MEF will be featured again in Miami during SD-WAN Expo 2021. See you there!
Edited by Maurice Nagle