Fortinet, Linksys Offer Home Network Enterprise-Grade Makeover

September 14, 2021

By Maurice Nagle, Senior Editor

Over the pandemic, enterprise networks earned their stripes. The cloud era kicked off to mixed reviews, but slow and steady adoption saw a spike as accelerated digital transformation plans underpinned a new WFH reality. The hybrid work model is here to stay, and the home network received an enterprise-grade makeover this week from a first-of-its-kind solution.

Network security leader Fortinet and Linksys (News - Alert) unveiled Linksys HomeWRK for Business | Secured by Fortinet, the duo’s second release since Fortinet’s (News - Alert) $75 Million investment in Linksys to support a strategic alliance to offer firms reliable, secure, fast and simple to manage remote connectivity.   

"Last year, companies and their employees were catapulted into a remote work era with little to no preparation. In that time, they’ve done what they can to make it work. It’s clear that remote work is the future of work and through Linksys HomeWRK for Business | Secured by Fortinet, we are not simply providing a solution to make it work. We are providing companies a way to enable employees to securely and safely connect to their work, thrive in remote environments and operate with peak productivity and efficiency,” Harry Dewhirst, CEO at Linksys noted.

 Fortinet developed its portfolio on the foundation of building a safer internet by protecting people, devices and data everywhere, and these joint releases follow in those footsteps.  Linksys HomeWRK for Business | Secured by Fortinet brings together the latest Wi-Fi 6 tri-band technology, enterprise-grade security, zero-touch provisioning, Zoom optimization, simple remote management as well as employee privacy protection.

 “Our goal was two-fold. First, make it very simple for anyone to set up a fast and reliable home Wi-Fi network. Second, provide enterprise IT with the ability to secure and manage the business aspects of that work-from-home Wi-Fi network just as they do with any other device attached to the network. The Linksys and Fortinet joint venture is not just a simple OEM agreement of two distinct parties, it’s the start of a completely new market,” John Maddison, EVP of products and CMO at Fortinet explained.

The network is charged with keeping people connected, whether that’s FaceTime (News - Alert) with the family or Zoom calls with customers. There’s no substitute for secure, reliable and high performing connectivity.

How does your home office connect?

Edited by Maurice Nagle

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